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  • in reply to: Suggestions for next version(s) of WP-invoice #4333

    Sure thing. It’s all in the Display.php file, as follows – I give the line-number and the code I have, which often is a minor tweak:

    Line 1691:

    <p><?php print sprintf(__('NOTE: This invoice was paid on %s.',
    WEB_INVOICE_TRANS_DOMAIN), $invoice->display('paid_date')); ?></p>

    Here I merely added a capitalized ‘NOTE: ‘ to emphasize it a bit more – accountants can get crabby.

    Line 1701:

    <div id="invoice_overview" class="clearfix"><div class="noprint">
    <h2 id="web_invoice_welcome_message" class="invoice_page_subheading">
    <?php printf(__('Welcome, %s', WEB_INVOICE_TRANS_DOMAIN),
    $invoice->recipient('callsign')); ?>!</h2></div>

    Here I’ve wrapped the greeting in a “noprint” class so it won’t reproduce on the invoice when it’s printed (on paper, or to a PDF)

    Line 1720:

    <p class="web_invoice_business_phone"><?php echo
    get_option('web_invoice_business_phone'); ?><br />
    user [at]</p>

    Here I’ve simply added a contact email address – oftentimes, people like to know how to reach the sender of the invoice via email – but instead of using the real @ sign I’ve used a transcribed [at] although frankly, there are more robust anti-spam methods (I’d recommend WP-reCAPTCHA for that; since I have a tight site access policy already, I don’t bother with it)

    Insert between lines 1730 and 1731:

    <div class="noprint"><p>You can print a copy of this Invoice for your records; just
    select the 'Print' item under the 'File' menu in your browser, or use the
    <CTRL> + 'P' key combination to print a hard-copy in a more traditional,
    neatly laid-out format. <em>Thank you</em> for your business <em>and</em> your prompt

    Should be obvious: wrapped in the “noprint” class, just a reminder that one can print out the invoice to a paper document. Once printed, it doesn’t make sense to show it… :-) IMPORTANT: if you use this, make sure you have the < and > signs surrounding ‘CTRL’ encoded properly (as lt and gt entities, respectively) or it won’t show up on your page!

    Line 1732:

    <p class="web_invoice_billing_name"><strong><?php echo
    $invoice->recipient('company_name'); ?></strong><br />
    (Attn.: <?php echo "{$invoice->recipient('first_name')}
    {$invoice->recipient('last_name')}"; ?>)</p>

    Here I’ve accommodated a more appropriate addressing order for the US (company name goes before the contact person) and, at least in my case, invoices always go to a company – not a person. Also, the company name is shown in bold, to reduce possible confusion with the contact person to whose attention the invoice is sent.

    Line 1735:

    "{$invoice->recipient('city')}, ".

    This is a pretty simple one: it just puts the state and zipcode right after the city, on the same line (and after a preceding comma)

    Line 1762:

    <div id="payment_methods" class="noprint">

    Here I’ve put the payment block in a “noprint” wrapper, because it just doesn’t look right when printed on paper. It’s functionally a bit silly to have (e.g.) a PayPal button printed… So out it goes, in that case.

    Then, to make the “noprint” CSS class really work, you need to have a print.css file which should be properly called / imported from within the styles.css file and reside in your theme folder. In that print.css file, make sure you have this included somewhere:


    It’s pretty simple: when the user uses the ‘Print’ command in a browser, the print.css stylesheet is pulled up, and the appropriate bits wrapped in the “noprint” class are left out from the paper document.

    Final note: if you want the invoice to really integrate in the style of your site, make sure your CSS deals properly with tables – the invoice will otherwise look pretty bad. But that goes far beyond the scope here.

    in reply to: Suggestions for next version(s) of WP-invoice #4327

    I’m a happy camper now!

    I think I’ll stick with the current version. In display.php I’ve fiddled a bit with the presentation (i.e. since I have a separate, special print css I added a message at the beginning that tells the Client that the invoice can be printed to produce a neat, more traditional invoice document – and that message itself of course isn’t printed because I’ve wrapped it in a “noprint” class div, and I’ve formatted the “Bill To” address to use the customary format here in the US, i.e. the same as the “Bill From” address format, and I’ve wrapped a few additional elements in the “noprint” class, and a few other minor tweaks) and I think I’m all set now!

    Thanks so much… Your version of the plugin works very well for me. Now, let’s send out some actual invoices – hehe!

    in reply to: Suggestions for next version(s) of WP-invoice #4321

    Already gave it five stars a few months ago! :-)

    Thanks for the reply – what I mean is that I need the company name field to appear on the invoice page.

    Reason being that invoices often need to be sent to a company rather than an individual – even though evidently it’s very good that there’s an individual person to whom the invoice is addressed.

    My suggestion was to have sort of a condidional field: if Company has a non-empty value (i.e. there’s something typed into it) display it, preferably next to (directly under or above) the name of the person to whom the invoice is sent. Or else, a switch (e.g. “Show Company field yes/no”) on the invoice creation/editing page, to choose to display that information, or not.

    An invoice needs the company name to be valid for processing & payment, that’s why I was asking for it – else, technically the contact person (individual) to whose attention the invoice is sent, is held personally liable for payment, which of course isn’t correct.

    Thanks again so much!

    PS: I like very much that the Company field is a “free text” field, i.e. not part of the Users DB in WP, so that it can be modified on an individual invoice basis. As I said before, sometimes or often (in my case) the same contact person is acting for different company names – so a freely editable Company field, as you have now set it up, is really perfect.

    in reply to: Suggestions for next version(s) of WP-invoice #4315

    Hi Mohanjith, sorry I didn’t reply sooner – I’ve just moved to a new home and that got me off the net for about a week… I’ve installed your new version (thank you so much for including the company field!) but while there’s a company input field available when creating an invoice, I can’t make it appear on the web invoice itself as seen by the customer. What should I do to make it appear?

    Once more, thanks a bunch for the new feature!

    in reply to: Suggestions for next version(s) of WP-invoice #4306

    I love the plugin! Some requests, of which one I’m sure is actually not an issue with the plugin, but how WP handles registrations:

    – First and foremost: I’d love to see a separate field that is labeled “Company” (reason: I now have to do an ugly “workaround” by using the First Name field for the company, and Last Name for the contact person… Not pretty, but it works) and if it’d be possible to set / select whether that “custom” field of Company should show up or not, that’d be really great (i.e.: if set to be shown and it’s not empty > output field name above the name)

    – It’d be neat to have the phone number of the admin (the blog) included on the invoice, too… Perhaps with a separate setting (show yes/no)?

    – Lastly, WP standard doesn’t allow registering users with duplicate email address. Normally that’s a good thing – but when you’re dealing with a person who controls payment for several company accounts, each of which require a separate user, not being able to set up separate users with the same email address is a bit of a problem.

    Thanks again!

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